Jenn, Ian, Mopsy, Cooper, (& baby Eliana when she was still in the oven!) decided to have some family portraits done and were open to my suggestions on a location...
This shoot started off a little crazy for me - my flight back from Colorado the night before was cancelled so I had to take an early morning flight and start the shoot basically as soon as I got off the plane
AMC's Mad Men and Banana Republic host an annual Casting Call for extras on the show, so naturally big fan-of-the-show Annita couldn't wait to participate.
This 1st birthday party for little Ryan turned out to be a lot of fun for the little guy. When Grandma and Grandpa practically live on the beach, a walk in the front yard is a walk down to the water.
Tiffany and Brian work, play, eat, sleep, drink, live, and breathe in the water. OK, maybe not that last one, but you can't prove that.